Saturday, July 14, 2007

Week 6, Thing 14: Discover Technorati

I just read a post that I found through technorati describing it as the "google of blogs". It does seem to be the way to locate blogs on a particular topic. When I began searching on the term "Learning 2.0", a
23 things learner's blog came up near the top of the list!

It's interesting to see the many types of multimedias tagged in blogs. There are posts, videos and photos. I looked at the blog "Boing Boing: a directory of wonderful things" because I keep hearing about it in the news and on other blogs. rates it as the most popular blog in the world! One of the posts has a discussion of Sesame Street characters that adults were scared of as children. Each post includes a YouTube video clip of the character! I initially didn't have much interest in the ever so popular YouTube, but I'm looking forward to exploring it more. I think that I'll skip out on watching the girl spitting video or anything like that.

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