I think that I'm going to like RSS and newsreaders. It is especially nice to quickly read the headlines rather than having to visit each site to read the latest posts and news. It saves time and will allow me to look at more information. I won't have to fish through all the ads and pictures. This is helpful when I'm using my home computer which is dial-up. I don't have to wait forever for the picture to download and can quickly read the article.
This technology will be a good way for me to have time to read work related news feeds . I also think that it could help me to have quick access to bestseller book lists or book clubs and other useful information. I can use it to keep up with many more websites because it allows me to bypass all the ads and images, and I can access all this from one spot...my bloglines account!
I'm going to go ahead and post my bloglines url. It took me a couple of tries to get it right. At first I didn't realize that I needed to create a username different than my login e-mail. Here it is!
Yes, please help!!!
How did you get your RSS feeds on you blog, and how do you get a user name and get it on your blog?
I tried and tried to do both and ended up quite frustrated!
By the way, I love the dancing cat!!!!!
Hi Readslikecrazy! I'll write some instructions on my next blog post & will e-mail them to you also! I like the dancing cat, too! Doesn't she look exactly like my real kitty Tansy?!
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