Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 7, Thing 16: Learn About Wikis

I had an eureka moment while learning about wikis. I had previously thought that a blog might work for my ongoing list of favorite CTR web sites, but a wiki would work much better. I am wondering if some of the things like Rollyo and bloglines can be used in a wiki as well.

I especially liked the SJCPL Subject Guides wiki. What a great way for librarians to collaborate and add resources and web links. With a Wiki, I don't have to know html to easily edit and make changes! That is a real plus. I can see how this would work really well if I want to try using it for the favorites list... especially since it is an ongoing project. I think that it may actually be a more productive way to update and make changes to my list since the list is a collaborative collection of my coworkers' bookmarked web sites.

The Book Lovers Wiki is a cool way that a library has provided a forum for their library customers to review and discuss books! It's also an extension of their adults' Summer reading program. I have to admit that I didn't really understand the difference between a blog and a Wiki till now. :)

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